So who went to the Pleasure Time Quilters Guild exhibition on Saturday? I saw a couple of Tollgate members there- as well as Marline Turner from Pietermaritzburg, Pauline Law and Phil Fisher.
I did- and took lots of photos.
Pleasure Time is based in Scottburgh on the KZN South Coast and other pass times include whale watching , surfing, baking in the sun , fishing and scuba diving.The quilters , of course, quilt- prolifically and one can see this in the exhibition they held this year.
These lovely ladies were able to get the public to
part with the money for entrance tickets,
raffle tickets and lucky draw tickets.
We could learn a thing or three from them!
There were quilts everywhere. Some on stands like these, some on fences, hung from windows and doors , washlines and under shade awnings.
OOH LOOK! Someone younger than 50 admiring a quilt!
This quilt was special, though. It was a bow tie design and made from men's ties.
See what I mean about quilts hanging from anywhere and everywhere?
On the washlines, on the fence and under cover.

A great day out for me - I even got a few stitches into an embroidery that has been lying around for a while.
There is another invisible group of members of Pleasure Time Quilters Guild without whom this exhibition could not have taken place and that is the group of HUSBANDS who lend their strength and support to the guild for events like these. They, uncomplainingly, put up washlines, put out tables, hung quilts, moved, carried and just helped. I know you are very much fish out of water in these situations but THANK YOU, GUYS! You did a great job, given, I am sure, that you would rather have been out on the golf course or fishing or doing what ever you enjoy doing.